
Flowerbed at Hibiya Park

  • The Company manages a flowerbed at the southwest entrance of Hibiya Park (Nishisaiwaimon-mae Intersection). This initiative is aimed at the provision of a flowerbed that can serve as a rest area that reflects the season, for people working in the area and other visitors to the park.

Bottle cap activity for vaccines

Taiyo Oil has been participating in an activity of the NPO “Japan Committee Vaccines for the World’s Children” related to the collection of PET plastic bottle caps. The bottle caps are collected from Taiyo Oil employees and then given to recycling companies on a regular basis. The recycling companies then sell the bottle caps and the proceeds are donated to the NPO.


Taiyo Oil has been participating in Bellmark stamp collection for charity and the proceeds are donated to the Japanese Red Cross Society.
As part of the “Fight! Fukushima” campaign, the donated Bellmark goods are given to Bellmark participating schools in regions that were severely affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, centering on Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, and Fukushima Prefecture, through the Fukushima Prefecture Branch of the Japanese Red Cross Society.

Giving school bags to which many memories are attached, as gifts

In this activity, school bags that children have stopped using due to graduating from elementary school, are collected and donated to Afghanistan through the “Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP),” and this supports the school attendance of children, especially girls with limited opportunities for education. The aim is for children to study at school and gain the ability to read and write, and thereby acquire knowledge and information regarding protecting their own health and that of their family members.
As of May 2016, Taiyo Oil has received 75 school bags and school supplies from employees, and has donated these to JOICFP.

Used stamps

Taiyo Oil has donated used stamps that have been collected to the “Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP).” This activity involves the JOICFP selling used stamps that it has received to stamp collectors and traders, and then utilizing the proceeds for its activities for the support of women in developing countries.